Wednesday, April 21, 2010

St. Charles Medical Center - Interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung

Stephanie DeYoung Oregon Bankruptcy Whistleblower Kidnapped
by those involved in the 40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy out of Bend Oregon.

Brian Stevens and Sharon Stevens of Bend Oregon got the Bend Police
to "Commit" Stephanie DeYoung - Illegally..

Judge - Michael C. Sullivan

DR. - Ben Elison

Listen to interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower .. she is STUCK in the St. Charles Medical Center in Bend Oregon for almost 30 days.. any day now they will move her to the Oregon State Mental Hospital, My Fear is that they will not let her live through this.. as Umpqua Bank - Summit 1031 - Judges - High Powered Attorneys and some Major corruption.. greed and secrets are at play here...

This mother of 3 young boys missed Easter with them, missed her sons 13th Birthday.. life and business ruined all because she knows to much about the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy...

Part One of Interview...

Part 2 of Interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie Studebaker DeYoung as she is LOCKED up in a Mental Institute ILLEGALLY in Bend Oregons' St. Charles Medical Center.

More on this Story at

posted her by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox



Crystal Cox - Investigative Blogger

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

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